Links in Pinegrow: About links, link styles, buttons & more
Links are very important elements of any website. You can use them to take users to other subpages or specific areas of your site. But you can also start calls and more. Pinegrow offers you many ways to easily edit links and make them appealing.
For beginners
The link element a and href
Insert links on website
Link elements
Remove links
Design links
Link stages & pseudo classes
Design buttons
For advanced users
Link to area of a page
Link to documents & images
Link in new browser tab
Start calls & e-mails
Execute Javascript
Hover animations
For beginners: Working with links in Pinegrow
The link element a and href
Links are expressed in Pinegrow and HTML with the element a. You can find it in the Library under the Text section.
A link (a) always encloses the text or object that is to be used as a link. If you link the entire text, such as in a button, everything is enclosed by the link element: <a>Click here!</a>
If you only want to link a word or a few words in a longer text, the link element a is located in the text field element p: <p>I found <a>a really interesting article here</a></p>
Links can be applied to pretty much any element. For example, if you want to link an image, you enclose it with the link element: <a><img src="my-image.jpg"/></a>
Don't worry, the code notation is only for better understanding, Pinegrow does the work for you and makes it easy to set links correctly. However, the link target href is still important.
Without a link target, a link makes no sense. The href specifies the page or source that the user should be taken to when they click on a link. This can be a subpage of your own website, a third-party page and more: <a href="">Click here!</a>

You can find the link element a in the Pinegrow Library

You can add a link in Pinegrow in various ways
Insert links to website in Pinegrow
In Pinegrow, you can easily link texts and other objects. If you want to add a complete text link or button to your website, it is best to use the link element a from the library (under Content or Text). Simply drag it onto your website to the place where you want it.
If you want to link a section of text in a longer text, it is best to select it with the mouse while you are editing the text and click on Link in the blue menu that appears at the top. Here you can enter your link target directly and confirm with Create Link.
Du kannst ohne Probleme auch andere Objekte wie Bilder, Überschriften, div-Blöcke, Listelemente, und mehr verlinken. Klicke dazu z.B. das Bild an, das du verlinken möchtest und gehe auf den Tab Element Properties in der rechten Seitenleiste. Ganz unten findest du den Button Create Link. Oder du klickst das Bild mit der rechten Maustaste an und wählst im Menü Transform > Add link.
Link elements and add link target
You have read above how to add a link to texts, individual words, images and other objects. Now you need to specify the link destination, i.e. the page that a user will be taken to after clicking on the link.
No matter how you have set a link in Pinegrow, you will always find a Href field where you can enter the link target. Pinegrow makes it easy for you: If you click on the folder icon, you can simply select the subpage you want to link to (e.g. your page contact.html) in your website folder.
If you want to link to a third-party website, you can also simply enter a URL such as in the Href field.

You can easily add the link target Href in Pinegrow

You can remove a link in Pinegrow in various ways
Remove links in Pinegrow again
Deleting a link in Pinegrow is as easy as setting it. Simply click on the linked object on the website preview and go to Element properties on the right-hand sidebar. There, click on the Remove the link button at the bottom.
Or you can right-click on the object and select Transform > Remove the link.
If for some reason you do not see the option to remove a link, it is best to look at the object in the Tree tab on the right sidebar. It should be in an a element (you may first have to expand all layers with the arrow), you can simply move it out and delete the link element a. If you don't see an a element, there is no link.
Design links in Pinegrow
Links stand out visually from the normal text on almost all websites so that they can be easily recognized in a continuous text. Links are often blue and underlined, in Pinegrow you can design them individually and adapt them to the look of your website.
To do this, select a link (the a element) and go to the style tab in the right-hand sidebar. There you can design the links on your website and, for example, change the color, underline links, display them in bold or italics, etc. There are basically no limits to your creativity.
With this one central adjustment, you change the appearance of all links on your website. If you want certain links to look different (such as those in the main menu), you can give them their own class and thus design them differently from the rest of the links. Remember that changes to the text color, for example, do not affect images.

Links can be customized in the style tab

Tip: You can easily switch the stage of your links (hover, active, etc.) in the style tab to see your design settings.
Link stages and pseudo classes such as :hover, :active and :focus
To emphasize links even better, you can change their appearance when you move the mouse over them or click on them. You can set this in the Style panel using the :hover, :active and :focus pseudo-classes.
hover: Style, when you move the mouse over the link
active: Style, when you click on the link
focus: Style, if you have selected the link with the arrow keys on your keyboard
visited: Style, if you have already visited the link
To do this, click on the three dots in the style tab while you have selected a link element. Select the a element and click on the colon behind it : > select hover here, for example. Click on Create and you have already created a rule with which you can change the appearance of your links when you hover over them with the mouse.
In Pinegrow you can see the different link stages of a link element by selecting it and clicking on :active, :hover etc. at the top of the Style tab.
Design buttons in Pinegrow
You know buttons from almost every website. They usually have an eye-catching design and invite you to click on them. In most cases, however, buttons are normal links, i.e. a-elements.
If you want to create a button in Pinegrow (apart from form submit buttons or similar), simply drag an a element to the position on your website where you would like the button to be and create a class (e.g. .Button). This is already prepared for you in the starter project. You can now design this class so that the buttons differ from the other links on your website.
Buttons are often square or round, and in most cases have a background color. If you choose a background color, some padding and a border radius, you will quickly achieve good results.

Here are a few button examples:
ButtonButton ButtonButton
For advanced users: Tips & tricks for links in Pinegrow
Anchor link: Link to an area on the website
You can use links not only to link to other websites or subpages of your own website, but also to a specific area on this page. This is called an anchor link and is particularly useful if you have longer pages with a lot of content and want to send the user to a specific location.
First you need to assign a unique id to the area or object you want to link to. Simply select the corresponding div block, image or other object and go to the Element properties in the right sidebar. There you will find the Id field, in which you write a unique name (something like “prices”, “our menu” etc.). It is best not to use umlauts or spaces.
You can now append this id to your link after a hashtag: oder In the first case, the browser automatically jumps to the area with the id our-menu on the start page. In the second case, it jumps to the section with the id Prices on the subpage our-services.

Tip: The id must never be assigned twice on a page, so make sure the names are unique.

The browser displays PDF documents and images when you link to them
Create link to documents and images for download
Sometimes it makes sense to offer images or PDF documents such as menus or similar for download. This is very easy to do in Pinegrow.
You must first move the images or documents you want to offer for download to your website folder. Maybe you create your own folder “downloads”. Reload the website in Pinegrow and you will see the file in Pinegrow.
Now you just need the path of your file. This is, for example, “”. Simply enter this link as the href of your link / button and the user will see the document / image in the browser and can download it.
Open link in a new browser tab
If you link to other websites, you often don't want the site visitor to leave your website completely and open the link in a new browser tab. This way, the site visitor still has your website open in a tab.
In Pinegrow, you can easily set a link to open in a new browser tab. When setting the link, you will find the Target field in which you can select the values _blank, _parent or _top. If you do not select anything, the link will open as normal. With _blank, the link opens in a new browser tab or window. You only need _parent and _top if you are working with frames and iframes.

Use _blank as the target of the link destination to open the link in a new browser tab

Start an e-mail by clicking on a link with the Href mailto:...
Start calls and e-mails via link
Links on websites can do more than just direct users somewhere. You can also use them to start calls and send e-mails. Simply enter the following commands in the Href link target field: > Opens the user's e-mail program with a new (empty) e-mail to the address
tel:+1202-123-4567 > Starts a call to the telephone number 202-123-4567. Always enter the number without spaces and preferably with the area code of your country (+1 for USA).
There are also links that you can use to start a Skype call or a WhatsApp chat. You can also enter the subject and text of an email. Simply search the Internet for the solution that interests you.
Execute Javascript by clicking on link / button
If you are advanced and have written your own Javascript functions that you want to start when you click on a link or button, you can do this with the following notation:
If you want to create an animation or change the appearance of an object on your website at the touch of a button, it is best to use Pinegrow Interactions and not program your own script.

Per Href eines Links lässt sich auch Javascript starten
Advanced hover animations
You have already read above how to change the appearance of links with :hover when you move the mouse over them. With a few tricks you can create advanced hover animations.
The CSS setting transition can be used to set a time duration that starts a transition animation from the normal to the hover state of a link.
Even more elaborate animations can be started with CSS keyframes. To do this, enter CSS settings at the beginning and end of the animation using @keyframes in your CSS file and start it with the CSS property animation: myAnimation 2s; (2s = duration of the animation)
@keyframes myAnimation {
from {top: 0px;}
to {top: -5px;}
Much easier is the use of Pinegrow Interactions, with which you can easily create complex animations that start when you move the mouse over an object (e.g. a link).